Monday, November 18, 2013

Congratulations Misty!

Congratulations to Misty Harris on the successful completion of her Capstone Project, "Health Risk Assessment Use in Primary Care: Measuring Providers' Knowledge, Perceptions and Intentions to Use"  in the Master's in Public Health Program at CWRU!

The abstract of her project is pasted below.


Objectives: Recent guidelines introduced by the Affordable Care Act for the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit specify the use of a health risk assessment (HRA). Benefits of employer- or insurance-based HRAs are known but limited scholarship has addressed healthcare-based HRAs. The objective of this study was to measure primary care provider’s perceptions and acceptance of using HRAs in patient care.

Methods: Provider survey scales were authored from theory driven model constructs and distributed to primary care providers first in an academic, safety-net medical center and then through a local practice-based research network. 

Results: 113 primary care providers responded. Only 53.3% had ever even heard or read about a HRA and just 24.3% had asked a patient to use one, but over half were interested in using one with patients.

Conclusions: There is low knowledge and use of HRAs by this group of providers despite inclusion of the tool in the ACA and proposed benefits to patients and providers, none of which can be realized if providers do not know about or are unwilling or unable to use health risk assessments in primary care practice.