Friday, July 19, 2013

Congratulations Xiangcao!

Congratulations to Xiangcao Liu on the successful defense of his Master's Project, "HRA: Health Risk Assessment System" in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science!

HRA Health Risk Assessment System
Xiangcao Liu

A health risk Assessment system is an important tool for helping people realize what lifestyle changes they should have and what benefits they can have by doing things the right way in order to live healthier and longer.  In this thesis, we discuss various components of a health risk assessment system, called the HRA system, which is being developed by a multi-institutional team of researchers from The MetroHealth System, Case Western Reserve University, and other institutions. 

The HRA system takes the questionnaire answers of the user, and produces multiple visualized reports with messages, pictures and bar charts over a range of calculated statistics about the participant’s health status, that highlight potential death risks to the user. The questions in the questionnaire include basic demographic information, epidemiologic data, and life-style information. Health providers can use this tool to communicate with patients on their health status, and individual users can use it to stay aware of their health situation, and, thus, take early measures to deal with risks in their lifestyles. 

This project has fully revamped the midlife HRA calculation library from a previous version, implemented a risk computation library for the older adult HRA (twenty minute version and comprehensive version), and developed a visualization library for HRA report rendering.